Situs Online

Situs is the location of property or an item for legal purposes. It affects where lawsuits can be filed regarding an item. It can also change where taxes can be paid.

Situs inversus is a rare condition of the visceral organs of the thorax and abdomen. This is a mirror-image transposition of the organs and is anatomically established early in foetal development.

What is it?

Situs online is a term that refers to the location of property or an item for legal purposes. This can have a significant impact on where legal actions can be taken regarding the property. For physical items such as a house or agen slot sensational purse, the situs is where it is currently located whereas for intangible items like patents the situs is usually where it is registered. This can make it easier or harder to resolve legal disputes related to property.

The word situs is derived from the Latin verb “to situate.” It means to place or position something. In law, the term is used to establish jurisdiction over an asset or to determine whether it is subject to taxes. It is also a useful term to know when researching offshore investments. There are several different types of situs, including: Situs solitus, Situs inversus totalis, and Situs ambiguous. The laterality of the organs is established during early development and any deviation from this is considered a Situs inversus.


Situs describes the position of your organs in the chest and abdomen. It’s important to recognize situs because it can cause problems with other diseases or conditions. It’s also common for healthcare providers to discover situs during surgery for other reasons.

In most cases, your thoracic and abdominal viscera develop in a normal left-right formation. This condition is called situs solitus or situs inversus totalis.

Occasionally, the position of the thoracic and abdominal viscera is discordant with respect to the cardiac situs. This is called thoracoabdominal situs ambiguous or Kartagener’s syndrome. This condition is associated with a high incidence of complex congenital heart disease (CHD).

The occurrence of these conditions is determined by genetic mutations that occur early in development. More than 100 genes have been linked to defects related to sidedness in the body. Approximately 1 in 10,000 people are born with situs inversus, and it’s more prevalent in males than females. The condition is inherited autosomal recessively, which means both parents need to have the gene mutation for their child to inherit it.


Fees vary based on the type of application, where you are paying from, and the country in which your IP is registered. Applicants should contact their local IP office to determine how to submit fees directly.

The situs issue has only recently come into the spotlight for South African investors with offshore investments. Previously, it primarily affected those with UK and US assets held directly (as these required beneficiaries to go through the respective probate processes in order to release their inheritance). However, the reporting requirements introduced by HMRC mean that the situs issue cannot be ignored. This has forced trustees to either increase their fees or make their trusts less attractive for investment. Both options are unpalatable for South African investors and go against all good investment theory. It is therefore a complex issue that is understandably understood only by a small segment of the industry. Hence, it has largely been overlooked.


Situs is the location of a property or item for legal purposes. This can be important because it determines where legal actions can be taken regarding the property or item. For physical items such as houses or purses, situs is where the item is located presently and for intangible items such as patents it is where they are registered. Situs can also affect how easy it is to resolve legal disputes about the property or item.

Reputation is an evaluation based on many dimensions and a person or business’s online reputation will be composed of many different things such as news/press articles, reviews, 3rd party links, forum discussions, social media profiles and activity, employee profiles and interactions and customer and stakeholder feedback. This is why it is so important for businesses to manage their reputation online.